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Clubmark is an accreditation scheme for cricket clubs which shows that a club is sustainable, well run and provides the right environment for all it's members. Clubmark accreditation also means your club is recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages, as well as assuring parents and carers that they are choosing the right option for their young people.

What does it stand for?

  • Higher standards of welfare, equity, coaching and management in community sports Clubs 
  • Making sure the nation’s sports Club infrastructure is safer, stronger and more successful 

It shows that a Club provides the right environment which ensures the welfare of members and encourages everyone to enjoy sport and stay involved throughout their lives. 

An accredited Club is recognised as a safe, rewarding and fulfilling place for participants of all ages as well as helping parents and carers know that they’re choosing the right Club for their young people. 

Clubmark Benefits

  • The development of clear goals and objectives can be communicated to all Club members and the wider community. This highlights the Club’s focus and ambition for the future and provides a solid foundation for all Clubs wishing to grow.
  • The analysis of the current workforce ensures all training is up to date and the Club is operating at its best 
  • Adopting more organised systems and structures will help the Club run more efficiently and effectively 
  • Addressing issues such as equity and child protection should increase parents confidence when choosing the correct Club for their child 
  • Updating policies, training and systems shows confidence and increased productivity. This in turn attracts schools and local authorities that must ensure quality and child friendly systems and procedures 
  • Clubmark will assist you to have strategies for recruitment of new members 
  • Some leisure operators and local authorities may give priority and at times discount to Clubmark accredited Clubs 
  • Clubmark provides recognition for high quality Clubs 
  • Members can be sure their club is a well-managed Club, striving to offer the best in coaching and sports development 

Safe Hands Management System (SHMS)

The ECB has introduced a new Safe Hands Management System which is designed to help clubs track compliance with safeguarding standards, whilst also assisting them in ensuring all individuals involved in the running of their clubs have valid qualifications for their roles. The single central record links IT systems, for example the DBS database, together in order to give clubs a central record to track their own 

SHMS will help both the Sussex Cricket Foundation and it's clubs to evaluate any gaps in safeguarding requirements.

The Safe Hands Management System is a pivotal part of the Clubmark process but has now also been rolled out to all clubs running a junior section including national programs. 

There is a digital toolkit to help clubs navigate easily through the SHMS system. To access this toolkit which includes instructional videos, case studies and logos for clubs to use please visit the ECB Resource Hub.

Any club who has a query regarding Clubmark or the Safe Hands Management System should contact their Territory Manager or the SCF County Lead at

ECB Model Constitution

It is important that a clubs constitution is current and reflects the modern game. This is a document that can only be adopted by clubs at an AGM or EGM. The ECB has a model constitution that includes adoption of codes if conduct, safe hands and an anti discrimination code. ECB funding is now dependent on your clubs constitution reflecting the document below.

Latest News

Dear Clubmark Accredited Clubs, 
For the 2025 re-accreditation check, you'll be pleased to know that there are no formal ECB checks taking place, however, as Sussex Cricket Foundation, we will ask that your Safe Hands Management System is up to date and Compliant by 1st May 2025. 
That should be plenty of time to ensure that all individuals who require a DBS are up to date and appear on SHMS as 'Accepted' for their role. One area that was a slow burn in 2024, was getting Open Age Team Captains sorted with DBS checks, so please note that they all need one.
You can still visit the Clubmark portal from 1st January and update any evidence as you see fit. We encourage you to review the evidence with your committee preseason, as best practice.
I will be the SCF lead contact for Clubmark from now on, but please do speak with your Territory Manager if you have any questions at all in the first instance. A list of clubs & Territory Manager can be found on the Club Affiliation page.
Nick May & I will be on hand to answer any SHMS questions as they arise. 
Finally, if you are hoping to apply for any funding during the next 12 months, it is of vital importance to also have an up-to-date development plan, otherwise we will be unable to move forward with any applications. 
Kind regards,

Carl Tupper

November 2024

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Corporate Partners

Rushfields Plant Centre
Servo Private Wealth
GAP Solutions
So Legal
Oliver & Graimes
Sussex Transport
Davis Television Services
IEP Financial
The Montefiore Hospital
Advance Guarding
Cordery Coach
LS Printing
Harvey's Brewery
Galloways Accounting
Brighton Fire Alarms
Class Technology
SE Tyres
Silver Star Cleaning
Love Local Jobs
Sutton Winson
Travel Counsellors
Dwade Electrical
Sussex World (JPI Media)