As Sussex Cricket’s charitable arm, our aim is to actively change lives through cricket across the community. We use the game to deliver accessible and enjoyable opportunities that grow the sport, tackle inequalities, improve health and well-being and enable people to fulfil their potential.
With each entry you could win exciting rewards. Support us for just £1 a week and you could win the weekly jackpot prize of £25,000. Smaller prizes of £1,000, £25 and 5 entries into the next draw are also up for grabs.
Easyfundraising partners with over 8,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to the Sussex Cricket Foundation. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.
Using the rich history and heritage of sport, Sporting Memories clubs are open to any people over the age of 50 who enjoy reminiscing about their experiences of watching or playing it.
By joining the fundraising club, you can help these clubs continue to thrive across the county!
We always welcome fundraising campaigns from individuals or groups who want to challenge themselves for a good cause. Whether it be the Brighton Marathon, an Ultra Challenge event or simply organising a cake sale at your cricket club.
Including widening brand visibility & exposure, enhancing community impact & corporate social responsibility (CSR) and networking & relationship building within the local community.
The Sussex Cricket Foundation has a number of SCF Patrons who generously make charitable donations of £1,000 per annum. In return for their contributions, each SCF Patron receives a range of benefits.
The perfect opportunity to try something new, meet new people and give something back to your local community.