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Men's Cricket

Ask Ben Brown anything!

31 Mar 2020

Thanks to everybody that sent in their questions for our club captain on social media. Ben has filmed his responses to the best questions and you can see them now on the @SussexCCC instagram account. Alternatively, read his responses below! 


When they say dogs look like their owners does this apply to you as well? Chris Nash

I know this one is from Chris Nash. You may be right, as both my dog and my cat have strawberry blonde hair, as I like to put it. But if that’s right, does that mean your cat is losing its hair?

How much do you hear us in the crowd when The County Ground is rocking on a Friday night? Paul Dykes

Massively. Huge atmosphere on a Friday night. All the players absolutely love it. It really feels like the crowd is on top of you as players and as a home player that is fantastic.

You’ve now played virtually the same amount of matches that Matty Prior played for Sussex yet you have a better record with the bat than him. (Average of 40 as opposed to Prior’s 37) How frustrating is it that you’ve never had an England call up? Mark Vesey

Short answer: yes – a little bit frustrating at times to not have received a call up, but I’m playing in a great era. I’m 31, I’m proud of my fitness record so there’s absolutely no reason I can’t play for England in the later stage of my career.

What one tip would you give ageing keepers who can't dive around to stop the ball as much as they could? Simon Hemelryk

Get in the bar and enjoy retirement I think, Simon.

Who in the Sussex squad would you least like to go into isolation with, and why? Russell Prose

I think I’ll say Ollie Rob[inson]. I think he’d be sneaking around playing practical jokes, being a general wind-up in isolation.

Do you enjoy a tight Ralph Lauren polo? Luke Wright

I think this fits lovely, so there you go!

Biggest sledger on the county circuit? Sam Keir

Seems to be a bit of a dying art at the moment. Luke Procter at Northants always likes a bit of a fight and has plenty to say, so I’ll say him.

Who is your Best Friend in Cricket? And why? LordRic52

Definitely say Will Beer. We started together when we were 11. Will Beer was captain of the age group. We played all the way through together. We’re great mates off the field – he was my best man and I’m to be his best man in December.

Is there anything worse than a person that wears short sleeves when they wicketkeep? Wicketkeeper’s Union

I don’t think there’s too much worse. Maybe a warm beer after a win in the field? That’d be up there. But no, from a wicketkeeping point of view, can’t do it.

What are your thoughts on limoncello? Phoebe Mcrae

I know this is from a friend of mine. All I know is that it is not good before a flight. That’s as much as I’ll say.

Would you register for PSL 2021 given the chance a guaranteed pick? Addullah Khawaja

Yep, as long as it didn’t clash with Sussex commitments. I think there’s been really good safety measures put in place from what I hear. It’d be great to see some cricket in Pakistan.

How are you getting on with your Masters of Sport Directorship assignments at Manchester Metropolitan University? Ian Jenner

This is from one of my tutors. Just about to get the books out as soon as this video stops, but I would be a little bit concerned about Luke Wright and Gethin Jones and their peer group. Lazy!

Who is the most talented footballer in the squad (excluding yourself obvs!)? Gary Knight

Excellent observation from Gary. I’d say Delray Rawlins. Very talented, but just needs to work on his end product. One of the reasons the youngsters always lose to the old guys is that little bit more experience in the final third. But Delray, he’s a good player.

Favourite pre match meal? Amber Ball

Before a four-day game: eggs, baked beans, toast followed by some fresh fruit. Something like that to keep you going through the morning session. With day-night cricket, it is much more difficult to eat at strange times, so I just try and keep it simple. Chicken, rice and veg maybe. We’re very lucky at the ground, we get some very nice meals before matches.

Assuming there's cricket this season at some point - will you keep wicket in all formats? Hugh Taylor

I would love to, but it’s not up to me. I just want to play every game of cricket available, so I’ll be trying!

Which bowler is the most difficult you have ever kept to? Danny Bellringer

When I was really young, I was lucky to play and train around Mushtaq Ahmed. I found that really challenging. Certainly in recent times, having Rashid Khan around reminds me of those times. It’s great fun to keep to those guys that spin it both ways.

Would you be happy to cancel the county championship for a year and just play the shorter formats later in the year? Rob English

Certainly not happy. That would be the wrong expression. If it gets to that point and it’s a necessity, then I think it’s the right thing to do to bring money in as quickly as we can to help support after what has obviously been a really tough time. So, not happy but it may have to happen.  

Favourite player that you've played with and best you've played with and against. Jake French

Favourite player to play with? I’m going to say Steve Magoffin. Great bowler who got us off the pitch really, really quickly, which is always a popular trait to have. Best player played with? Probably Murray Goodwin – he was superb. Best against? Ramprakash or Trescothick in county cricket.  

18 needed off the last over, 9 wickets down. Which current squad member would you most want to be batting with out there to win it? Clare D

One hundred percent would say David Wiese. Three balls, start the car!


Who is the hardest player to captain in the team? @shouky_oliver

I’m very lucky with this squad of players. We’ve got very good people. The hardest challenge is getting the ball out of Ollie Rob’s hand, trying to get him to have a rest. He wants to bowl all the time, which is a great problem to have.

What’s your best moment captaining Sussex? @jamie_sdc_18

Certainly been a few on this one. In the early days, watching Phil Salt and Tom Haines get their maiden hundreds was a really, really special moment for the team and in their careers. Otherwise, last year beating Middlesex and scoring a hundred at Lord’s is right up there as well.

What’s it like being the smallest person on the county circuit? @ollie_r25

I know that’s from Ollie Robinson. I am only going to answer factual questions, Ollie, so that unfortunately does not warrant a response.

What’s it like leading the side out at Lord’s? @JamesBoxford7

Amazing feeling. Amazing for me and my family. One of those ‘pinch yourself’ moments. Getting a win and scoring a hundred there was a real dream come true.

What’s it like playing with Tom Haines? @joewilli5

I wonder if this is from one of his mates. Yeah, great fun. I love Hainesy. Always great if you can get him off the PlayStation though. Socially he can be poor at times. Too much PlayStation.

What’s the best way to bat for a long time? @ben_mackley66

Solid defence. Good decision making. Loads of desire, commitment and determination to stick to your plan all day.

Best innings in a Sussex shirt? @danielwhite744

Tricky one, this. It’s not always the big scores. My highest score, 160, I was pleased with because we were 80 for 5 and I always like to take the score up from there. But probably the second innings run chases we’ve had. One against Warwickshire, I probably only scored 60 to turn the game round before Jordy [Chris Jordan] won it. Second innings run chases are always my favourite.

What is your worst superstition? @thewoodyspin

I don’t have any superstitions. I think it is a dangerous road to go down. Certainly seen a few people go down that route. So no superstitions at all for me. I don’t buy into that.

Who is your favourite bowler for Sussex?

At the moment, Ollie Rob has been incredible for the last three of four years. In terms of T20 cricket, Tymal Mills steaming down the hill is a pretty special sight as well.

Why are you so good? @j_oxf12e

Well, firstly thank you. I’m not sure. If I was going to say anything, a lot of hard work, a lot of graft and a load of love for the game is probably why I’ve achieved anything that I have achieved.

What do you think about Rashid Khan? @sayed_sadat12

Amazing bowler. I mentioned him earlier. Very similar to Mushtaq Ahmed, spins the ball both ways at amazing pace. Not seen much like that. And an amazing guy and an infectious character around the guys and off the field. Brilliant guy and a great overseas.

Best Sussex fielder? @man4pe

Chris Jordan. Hands down. Brilliant fielder, brilliant slip fielder. An incredible catcher.

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