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Dynamos Cricket

What is Dynamos Cricket?

Dynamos Cricket provides a fantastic next step for all those graduating from All Stars Cricket and the perfect introduction for all 8-11 year-olds new to the sport!

Complementing junior cricket, Dynamos provides children with a more social offer focused on developing fundamental movement skills and applying them in an exciting game of countdown cricket.

We know how important it is to look like the heroes of the game, so every child who registers will receive their very own Dynamos Cricket New Balance t-shirt, personalised with their name and number.

The programme

  • Children will use soft balls and light wooden bats
  • Eight 60-90 minute sessions, held over eight weeks
  • Introduction to game play through a countdown cricket match
  • New Balance personalised t-shirt with name and number
  • Valuable time with your kids – mums and dads are encouraged to take part too
  • Complementary digital app experience
  • Safe and fully accredited

Prices for Dynamos Cricket vary by centre. Please check the sign-up page and post code search for your local centre to find out more.

Dynamos Cricket



Key Next Steps for Clubs

  1. Register your club on ClubSpark – Administrator login >

  2. Complete the Club Checklist – Upload the necessary documentation (Insurance, First Aid & Safe Hands certificate)

  3. Upload programme details – Add your session dates, times & other details to ClubSpark ready for participant sign-up launch which will go live soon.

  4. Establish who your Activator/s will be – Who also need to be added as coaching administrators to ClubSpark so they can complete their own Activator Checklists which include inputting their DBS certificate number, completing the E-Learning Course (this will become available in March) & completing Face-to-Face Training (more information will come out on Activator training soon, as the process will be either all virtual or blended due to Covid)

  5. Setup an ECB Resource Hub Account – This is a good thing to do in the long run for your club as it gives anyone at your club (who needs it) access to all of the ECB promotional material such as; flyers, web imagery, posters, social media imagery - for every programme (not just All Stars & Dynamos). Things like Women’s Soft Ball Cricket, NatWest Cricket Force are also available here -

  6. Ensure that your Stripe Account is verified (instruction notes attached) – This is very important as it’s the payment gateway link between your ClubSpark site and your Club Bank Account, without this sorted you won’t be able to take payments from parents when programmes go live.

More information on the Participant Launch Date & Activator Training will be coming out soon!

As always don't hesitate to contact your Territory Manager if you have any queries.


Why is Dynamos good for my child?

Dynamos will provide your child with all of the fundamental skills they need to play. Over the eight-week programme, the trained activators will teach your child to:

  • Develop skills of batting, catching, bowling and throwing
  • Take part in countdown cricket with a game played each week
  • Learn the basics of game play and scoring
  • Work and communicate as a team

Can parents and guardians be involved?

Dynamos Cricket is fantastic for parents. For 60-90 minutes a week, all mums, dads and guardians are invited to get involved and play cricket with their children. We know this is a great way to spend time with your child and create memories that will last a lifetime. Parent activators (helpers) will support the fully accredited lead activator in delivering the session, supporting and encouraging children as they learn new skills and play a game. You do not need to be a cricket expert to be involved!

Playing at home

All children are encouraged to continue playing outside of the Dynamos sessions. If your children would like to continue to develop their skills at home then there will be a host of skills, challenges and activities within the Dynamos Cricket app that will be available to download for free.

How do I find my nearest Club and register my child?

To register your child, go to and search for your nearest centre by entering your postcode or check out the Sussex Clubs list at the bottom of the page.

If your club would like to receive more information on Dynamos Cricket please do not hesitate to contact Oliver Smith by email

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